Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mugabe still keen to drive out whites

JOHANNESBURG – Exiled Zimbabwean businessman, Mutumwa Mawere, says that President Robert Mugabe is still keen to drive out the few remaining white farmers from their productive farmland because the octogenarian leader does not understand why whites can also qualify to be Zimbabweans. He said this in Rivonia, Johannesburg while addressing guests at a meeting organised by the African Heritage Human Rights Forum, to chat the way forward after the recent announcement by Justice Minister, Patrick Chinamasa that Zimbabwe had pulled out of the SADC Tribunal.

Chinamasa’s announcement came as an angry reaction by Mugabe’s Zanu pf party to the regional court’s ruling, which favoured of over 70 white farmers who are challenging their ongoing evictions from their farms.
Mawere, who in 2004 also had his company – Shabanie Mashaba Mine Holdings (SMMH) and all its subsidiaries seized by Mugabe’s government over allegations that the company was failing to settle its debts to state parastatals, warned the farmers, some of who were also present in the meeting, against pre-mature celebrations ahead of the forthcoming SADC special summit on Zimbabwe .
“The SADC summit cannot change the basic construction of Zimbabwe , where Mugabe believes that all judgments should be made in Zimbabwe ,” said the businessman.
“The more you challenge him on his beliefs, the more you are bound to disagree with each other because he does not believe that a white person can own land in Zimbabwe .
“Even some leaders within the SADC, most of whom share the same thinking with Mugabe due to historical events, will tell you that a white person cannot be African and does not have a right to African land,” said Mawere.
“You will take a long time to convince such people that you are also Africans. If such a case was to be held in Zimbabwe you tell Mugabe that ‘We have lost the land case to a white farmer’ he would ask who the judge was. If the case is held before a judge with the same thinking as Mugabe, the outcome would be known before trial.”
Mawere said that the biggest mistake that African governments, especially that of Zimbabwe did at independence was the failure to resolve the citizenship issue, thereby leaving the racial loopholes currently being exploited.
“We have to re-think who is African and shall not deny that whites can also be Africans,” he said..
“There is no use talking about what whites did or did not do before independence because that will not feed a hungry person, but that is our problem in Zimbabwe, whereby if Mugabe visits a farm and finds a white person on it, he might get angry and ask, ‘Why are you still here when we have told you to leave?’ because he believes that they are not Africans and cannot be Zimbabweans.
“Even African leaders who fought alongside Mugabe in the 1960s will not agree with you on this case. The (South African) President Jacob Zuma you see today is not different from Zuma the freedom fighter you saw during the liberation struggle and therefore, you should not expect him to support your case at the SADC summit.
“If you trust someone with state power to be good on you, then you must be living in another world.”
The businessman blamed this misguided thinking amongst African leaders.
“I have not seen a post-independence white person who, when selling tomatoes forces black people to buy them.
“People must understand that you got rich not just because you were white, but because you produced and sold things that people loved. It is not intrinsic for me to look for a black tomato just because I am black.
“We must understand that there cannot be a white African or a black African. These whites chose to be in Africa because they believed that they can serve the people.
“ Zimbabwe will only grow if it opens up to accept other people to take up its citizenship. There are many whites who contributed tax to have black people educated, but we forgot about that and attributed the country’s erstwhile high level of education to Mugabe, yet he is incapable of producing anything for 24 hours a day.”
Mawere also called on persecuted Zimbabwean businessmen to galvanise their efforts and fight together for the restoration of the rule of law in the country, regardless of their race.
Children sit at their desks inside their classroom at the Warrent Park 1 Primary School in Harare, Zimbabwe Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2009. UNICEF estimates that in Zimbabwe, an average of 10 children share a single text book and some schools have no books at all. Almost half of junior school children do not go on to senior school.

Notorious tikolotshe harrassing Bulawayo women 

Residents in Bulawayo's old Magwegwe suburb have hired a prophet to sniff out a tikolotshe reportedly wreaking havoc in the suburb after several women complained that they wake up in the mornings without their pants..... Shhhh Shocked Roll Eyes

Most Africans believe that a tikolotshe is a dead person who has been reincarnated to inflict pain against those living in the neighbourhood usually viewed as enemies of the tikolotshe owner. It is believed tikolotshes are used by witches.

According to Mr Bernard Siwela who now has been chosen to spearhead the clampdown on the mysterious rapist, up to seven women and one 15-year-old girl have filed official complaints to the police following bizarre experiences during the night.

They said their experiences included waking up in the mornings without pants and feeling as though they had some "heavy" sexual encounters during the night, yet their husbands are in neighbouring South Africa eking out a living.

The women who spoke to this reporter said since the invasion of the notorious tikolotshe they always wake up feeling extremely tired with signs that they had been raped during the night.

Mr Siwela said as a result, the local resident association has set up a lobby group which has since reported the case to the local police.

He said a highly respected prophet from Binga was brought in this week to sniff out the problematic tikolotshe.

The prophet, he said, is expected to start his job any time this week which involved cleansing the neighbourhood. Mr Siwela said the prophet has already confirmed that the suburb has "definitely" been invaded by a cantankerous tikolotshe.

"We do believe that this tikolotshe belongs to someone in the area and might have got out of control such that the owner is now unable to control it," said Mr Siwela, adding that there was already a suspect owner.

"The job of the hired prophet is to possibly identify the owner of the tikolotshe and destroy this notorious tokolotshe because we cannot live in a community whereby our women and daughter-in-laws are raped by tikolotshes," he said.

One of the victims interviewed by The Zim Diaspora said she was traumatised by her night experiences and now needed counselling.

"My husband is in South Africa but I always wake up without my pants and even feeling like I have had sexual encounter throughout the night," she said, pleading not to be named.

"At some stage I woke up feeling so tired and missing my pants. I later found my pants hanging on a door handle, yet I only live with my two kids, one is 11 and the other is 14," she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Asked whether she really believed that she was being raped by tikolotshes, she said: "What can it be? I don't live with any male in my house, or if that was the case I would definitely be making him a suspect," she said.

The woman said she discovered that she was not the only victim when she went to a local women's club and overhead other women discussing the same issue.

"I really wanted to keep it to myself because if my husband get to know about this he might divorce me," she said.

"Who would want to marry a woman who has been raped by tikolotshes?" she asked this reporter.

Few years ago residents in the nearby Lobengula West were also harassed by tikolotshes with same complaints.

Prof. Jonathan Moyo is now pleading with ZANU-PF..
 The Prof. Moyo, who is now spending sleepless nights waiting for a call from Mugabe telling him whether his application of readmission to the party has been successful or not.
 Over the weekend it was revealed that the Prof. Jonathan Moyo is now pleading with ZANU-PF for readmission to the that party. If it is true, it would now imply that the Prof. Moyo duped the MDC-T into letting him contest the Tsholotsho North constituency unchallenged during the watershed elections of March 29 2008.

The allegations of the Prof. Moyo application for readmission were confirmed by ZANU-PF Chairman John  Nkomo who said, "Yes, he [Prof. Moyo] wrote to VaMutasa three weeks ago after Vice President Msika's funeral." Didymus Mutasa is ZANU-PF's secretary for administration.

ZANU-PF cronies, notably Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa, have welcomed the Prof. Moyo's action, saying he hoped the party will embrace his application.

The question many Zimbabweans who have followed the Prof. Moyo's activities are asking is whether he had left the party in the first place.

"Moyo was not a card carrying member of ZANU-PF since he was kicked out from the party, but his ideology remained with the party," a ZANU-PF cadre observed over the weekend.

Indeed questions are being asked as to whether the Prof. Moyo has been claiming to be an independent legistlator by day while by night he continued his activities as a ZANU-PF member.

Moyo was re-elected to the House of Assembly from Tsholotsho North constituency in the March 2008 parliamentary election when he received 3,532 votes, defeating MDC-M candidate Mgezelwa Ncube, who received 3,305 votes, as well as Zanu-PF candidate Alice Dube, who received a mere 2,085 votes.

The MDC-T did not field a candidate in this constituency on the understanding that the Prof. Moyo's victory would be good in the fight to remove Mugabe from power. The Prof. Moyo himself propagated this idea.

Some say the Prof. Moyo knowingly lied to the MDC-T as a ploy to clear the field of an MDC-T candidate who might have torpedoed him from the seat.

True to his ZANU-PF form, the Prof. Moyo has been at it in recent weeks, writing acidic articles, published in the ZANU-PF mouthpiece The Herald, against the leaders of the MDC. On the other hand, he has been writing many articles praising ZANU-PF leader and Zimbabwe's long time dictator Robert Mugabe.

The articles praising Mugabe will come in hand as the ZANU-PF politburo consider the Prof. Moyo's application for readmission to the party.

Not all ZANU-PF members are happy that the Prof. Moyo is coming back to reclaim his rightful place among ZANU-PF cronies, some going as far as saying the Prof. Moyo would have to rise up the ranks from cell level.

However sources in ZANU-PF say the Prof. Moyo, with the Tsholotsho seat in hand, will be offered a ministerial post by Mugabe when ZANU-PF wins the March 2011 general election.

If the Prof. Moyo manages to join ZANU-PF and becomes a minister again, it would be a second coming of a man one so reviled and eulogized in Zimbabwe.

The Prof. Moyo is credited not only with turning Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) into a ZANU-PF propaganda machine but also with penning the draconian Access to Information & Privace Protection Act.
So ''moyo the snake'' is pleading to go back and ''mugabe'' is rummored to be making him the Information Minister.......GOOD BYE ZIMBABWE......for sure this time...the man is evil.....


  1. Hi, just came to inform you, of Why We Are White Refugees... in case you were interested.


  2. Went and checked it out and it ain't the kind of place I want to have anything to do with....

    You lot need some serious mental health treatment....

  3. Hi Sdudla,

    I have actually spent quite some time chatting to people who have been in mental health treatment. A former mentor was a renowned American psychologist. What I generally found was that those who quickly accuse another of requiring 'mental health treatment' would rather prefer to do exactly what Mugabe does, call them names, instead of joinging in a discussion or dialogue with them.

    Anyway, if your choice is to accuse those you disagree with of requiring mental health treatment, then you are in interesting company, Stalin, Mao, etc. Should you change your mind, and decide you need to get to know people first, before accusing them of requirng mentalhealth treatment. You are welcome to the conversation. Just beware, its for those with strong and independent psyche's. So if you have a fragile ego, and require others to take care of it, perhaps you are safer hiding behind false accusations of 'mental health treatment'.

