Saturday, June 25, 2016

VP Mphoko hotel stay protest pics and tape

Stan Zvorwadza addressing protesters inside the Rainbow Towers Hotel

 Stan Zvorwadza addressing protesters before his arrest.

 Riot Police drags Stan Zvorwadza

 A riot police officer manhandles a protester

Anti riot police gang up to lift up a protester who was resisting arrest

Anti riot police pushes Stan Zworwadza into a police truck

 Riot police gang up to pull Zvorwadza who had jumped off the moving truck

 Police forces Zvorwadza into the truck

Zvorwadza lies hurt on the tarmac after falling from the police truck

A police officer holds Zvorwadza by his trousers

 Police puts Zvorwadza in the truck.

 Zvorwadza continues to chants as  he his finally overpowered



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